About Mekostem
Cord blood stem cells
In neonatal cord blood, scientists have discovered many types of stem cells, but the key and most important ones are hematopoietic stem cells and mesenchymal
Cord lining membrane stem cells
The umbilical cord is surrounded by a layer of membrane, and this cord membrane also has stem cells, generally called umbilical cord lining stem cells.
Stem cells transplantation
Stem cells transplantation can be made to the baby itself (autologous transplantation) or can be made to other family members as well as people in
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KIẾN THỨC CƠ BẢN VỀ TẾ BÀO GỐC – tài liệu dịch từ Harrison’s 1. Sinh học tế bào gốc Sinh học tế bào gốc (phần
MekoStem is built on the criteria SCIENCE, MODERN AND SYNCHRONIZATION to collect, isolate, preserve and provide differentiated stem cells from cord blood and cord lining